Contact us

Select the reason for contact:

Schedule an appointment:
you can make an appointment through the "schedule your appointment" button or by calling (809) 741-0000

Pre-bill your services: by calling (809) 741-0000 option 4

Request information:

In case you have concerns about care quality and patient’s safety, please contact us at the following email address:

To contact the communications department, please write to us at:

Av. Luperón esq. Clara María Pardo, San Gerónimo, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Please complete the satisfaction survey here.

We embrace a culture where the main thing is to provide quality of life to patients, through learning as a source of constant transformation for the development of new and better health practices.

Reaching an exellent medicine, protocolized, with high standards and with the best medical specialists, with which we achieve:

  • Consolidate the loyalty of our patients
  • Encourage the motivation and commitment of our collaborators
  • Increase and improve the internal efficiency of the organization

    If you want to work with us and learn about our employment options, go to
    More information

We are an organization with a purpose, that of improving the health and life quality of Dominicans. We believe organizations are responsible for leading changes that positively impact communities, customers, and partners.

Our consultation hours are:
Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
Over the phone through our call center, dialing the number (809) 741-0000, option 1
Yes. We offer services on a first-come basis in accordance with the availability of spaces not previously scheduled.
By contacting our call center. By dialing the number (809) 741-0000.
No. For laboratory services, it is not necessary to request an appointment.
The instructions will be given at the time of scheduling your appointment through the service center, and they will be sent via email as soon as it is scheduled.
It will be rescheduled, for more information contact us at (809) 741-0000.
We have coverage through different insurers. To learn about them, contact our contact center at (809) 741-0000.
If you do not have health insurance, you can ask about our private services.
To find out the insurance we accept and the coverage, please contact our contact center at (809) 741-0000





Medicina Interna

Psicología clínica

Cirugía General



Cirugía para la obesidad





Pie Diabético


Nutrición y Obesidad








At the moment, we only perform eye surgeries and minor surgeries that do not require hospitalization. For more information, contact (809) 741-0000
It depends on the tests you need. When you contact us over the phone you will be informed of the steps to follow.
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