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Anesthesiology is an essential medical specialty dedicated to administering anesthesia, applying advanced pain control techniques, and preserving physiological stability during various medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures.

Our team consists of highly trained and experienced anesthesiologists knowledgeable about the latest innovations and protocols in pain management and anesthesia. We specialize in planning and administering anesthesia tailored to each patient’s needs and conditions, whether in major or minor surgeries or outpatient procedures.

Our comprehensive approach ranges from preoperative assessment, where the patient’s health conditions are analyzed and the most appropriate anesthetic technique is selected, to continuous monitoring during the intervention and postoperative care, ensuring a quick and safe recovery.

Available Hours
  • Monday to Friday

    7:00am a 7:00pm

  • Saturday

    8:00am a 1:00pm


Av. Luperón esq. Clara María Pardo,
San Gerónimo, Santo Domingo,
República Dominicana

Specialties Doctors Services Contact
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