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The importance of knowing your Rights and duties

Be part of your health and empower yourself as a patient!

By being informed, you can make better decisions about your medical care and receive the best possible treatment. Some of your rights include accessing medical information, receiving respectful and dignified treatment, and making decisions about your healthcare.

You also have duties, such as providing accurate information to your healthcare providers and following the recommended treatment instructions.

General Health Law 42-01 Decree No. 351-99

Rights of the patients

  • To be identified and called correctly by their name.

  • Be treated with respect and dignity.

  • To be informed in privacy and confidentiality about their care and health issues.

  • To participate in decisions to consent or not to procedures and treatments.

  • Receive appropriate care and consult with other specialists without discrimination.

  • Be accompanied by someone of the same sex or a family member during exams or treatments.

  • Know the names and roles of those who care for them.

  • Submit complaints or suggestions to improve the service.

  • Have access to spiritual support.

  • Request voluntary discharge through a form.

Duties of the patients

  • Comply with the internal regulations.

  • Provide accurate information about their health and social situation.

  • Follow the treatment and attend the appointments.

  • Respect the healthcare staff.

  • Care for and protect the facilities and belongings of CEMDOE.

  • Maintain proper personal hygiene and contribute to keeping the environment clean.

  • Be respectful and supportive of other patients.

  • Care for and preserve the resources that we at CEMDOE provide for your service.

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