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The Weight Control Clinic offers a comprehensive and effective approach to the rising obesity epidemic. Our multidisciplinary and specialized approach combines the expertise of nutritionists, physicians, psychologists, and physical trainers to work together and deliver tailored treatment according to the patient’s needs.

In our clinic, we provide practical and effective tools that help adopt healthy lifestyle habits, promoting weight loss and overall well-being. We empower patients to make sustainable lifestyle changes through educational and support programs.

We also prioritize preventing related diseases and complications that can arise from obesity and addressing risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, and heart complications. We focus on a proactive approach to improve our patient’s quality of life while working towards a healthier future.



Consultation conducted by the Primary Specialist, where the following data is collected:
• Complete Medical History (Anamnesis): Current health status, personal and family history, medication use, tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical activity, and other relevant information.
• Physical Examination: Blood pressure measurement, weight, height, BMI, abdominal circumference, thyroid palpation.
• Care Plan: Indication of laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging studies, and referrals for a comprehensive evaluation that enables the appropriate therapeutic approach.

Amylase – Lipase or Alkaline Phosphatase or B-HCG* or BUN or Lipid Profile or Creatinine or Electrolytes (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P) or Urinalysis or Blood Glucose or Postprandial Blood Glucose or HbA1C or Complete Blood Count or Basal Insulin or Postprandial Insulin or Free T4 or TSH or ALT – AST or Total and Fractionated Protein or 25-Hydroxyvitamin D

Abdominal Ultrasound - Thyroid Ultrasound.

First-time psychological assessment for the detection of approaches aimed at Lifestyle Transformation (TEV), through the application of psychological scales, including depression scale, anxiety scale, healthy habits scale, among others.

After completing the initial assessments and obtaining the results of laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging studies, interventions by the specialties proceed according to the established Care Plan (Nutrition, Bariatric Surgery, Cardiology, Pulmonology, among others).


Av. Luperón esq. Clara María Pardo,
San Gerónimo, Santo Domingo,
República Dominicana

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