
Diabetic Foot Unit

This unit is concerned with the prevention and education of patients, families, caregivers and professionals, with the aim of identifying risk factors that may influence the occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers, one of the leading causes of amputation of the lower limbs of patients with diabetes. It is one of the most innovative diabetic foot units in the country and its vision is to achieve zero amputations in patients.


  • Consultation of the ulcerated diabetic foot
  • Preventive foot consultation (non-ulcerated): where vascular, neurological evaluation and plantar footprint analysis are performed with state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Biomechanics: analysis of the three-dimensional gait of the lower limbs
  • Podiatric Surgery:
    • Treatment of ingrown toenails
    • Elimination of calluses
    • Nail fungus removal by laser
  • Analysis of the plantar footprint (footscan), tread disorders and risk of potential ulcers.
  • Preparation of custom templates made with 3D equipment, for:
    • General population
    • Orthopedic podiatric disorders such as flat feet, cavus foot and dysmetry, among others.
    • Athletes
  • Wound care
  • Minor surgery
Dr. Pedro Mena
Director of the Diabetic Foot Unit

His professional training includes a master's degree in "Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Foot" at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a master's degree in "Family Therapy" at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD for its acronym in Spanish) and a master's degree in "Human sexuality and couple therapy."

Doctor of Medicine specializing in clinical nutriology and expert in nutrition and diet therapy at the Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo (INTEC for its acronym in Spanish).

He has a postgraduate degree in Obesity from the Favaloro University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He participated in the annual course on diabetic foot and wounds for doctors at the School Foundation for Training and Updating in Diabetes and Nutrition, at the Hospital de Clínicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He has completed several postgraduate courses in kidney diseases and nutrition, nutritional support, dibetes mellitus type 1 and 2, through the Argentine Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Also, within the courses taken the following stand out: the Diabetic Foot and Surgical Approach of the Diabetic Foot from the Complutense University of Madrid, Management of Type 2 Diabetes and Emergency Endocrinological Department of Continuing Education at Harvard Medical, intensive course of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at the Keck School of Medicine, Nutrition in Heart disease at the Mayo School of Medical Education and Intensive Theoretical study of the Obese Cognitive Treatment at the Argentine Society of Obesity (S. A. O. T. A for its acronym in Spanish).

Dr. Mena is currently a member of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Dominican Medical College, and Dominican Society for the Study of Obesity and Society of Clinical Nutritionists.

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